5k PB @ Canaccord Corporate Cup event 1

It's been a couple of months since a post here actually about running but it's been an eventful time as the title of this post probably tells you.

Last time, I had noted a really strong performance in what I called a virtual race replacement for the Media City 5k. A couple of weeks later I continued with the same theme doing a 10k run to replace a race around Newbury Racecourse. My finish time of 53:13 was my 7th fastest ever which was a performance which made me very happy indeed. Could have been better for sure but given the circumstances it was really good.

Then at the beginning of July, I had something of a break. Not no runs, but certainly less of them. The rest spell happened to coincide with a very busy spell personally which meant I was up and about a lot rather than vegging out while not running.

Going through the middle of July running picked up again and saw me in what felt like half decent form. Some nice hill interval sessions and fast finish efforts in particular.

This took me up to my first race in four months - the first run in the Canaccord Corporate Cup 5k series. I didn't really know exactly where I was in terms of expected performance. Yes, my previous race-replacement events were pretty good but I didn't actually have a clue. So I probably had a wide range of plausible times I'd have been happy with.

At the start, I set off quickly - actually much too quickly. In fact, my first kilometre was a far too quick 4:17, my third fastest kilo ever. There was no way I was ever going to hang on to that sort of speed. And I faded a bit quickly and a lot later on, needing to have a brief walk in the 4th kilometre.

But after starting running again I realised I was still on track for a very special time indeed. My final kilometre came in at 4:35 to bring me in at a finishing time of 23:26.0 officially and a 5k personal best by a massive 17 seconds.

I was thrilled by that as I just didn't see it coming. Given some of my other times lately, it really does give me a positive feeling for any more upcoming races this year.

And there will be more thankfully. It came to our attention this week that Run Silverstone appears set to go ahead, no doubt in a socially distant, wave started format but I've found that even a small group will make a difference to me and my motivation for running at pace.

The other entertaining running event of the last couple of weeks was the Great Garmin Outage of July 2020. I have to say the whole thing brought out some hilarious overreactions from internet fools. But it was also quite irritating on a practical level.

As someone who enjoys the data around running, relies on it even, it really was quite uncomfortable at times. Having to try and figure out exactly how I was performing with far less information than I was used to.

Mind you, I guess having broken a 5 year old personal best maybe I need less data more often!

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5k PB @ Canaccord Corporate Cup event 1
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5k PB @ Canaccord Corporate Cup event 1
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