Night Ride - "When life brings you mountains, you don’t waste your time asking why; you spend your time climbing over them." - A.J. Darkholme
You go up and look down and think to yourself "Look how small and far everything is"
You go down and look up and think to yourself "Look how magnificent and high everything is"
And then you try to comprehend how you were up there a few minutes ago and then down there a few minutes later and you can't.
You have no idea how you can do it. It doesn't make any sense. Look at that car struggle up the hill?!?!? Hear that engine roar!?!? And you just pedaled up?!?! And it took you 10 minutes?!?!
I think this is where we learn to do more and think less. If I were to overanalyze my climbs I would judge myself as insane. Absolutely not normal.
Then again the bridge of sanity is a narrow one. And it's easy to fall off either side.
Completely sane people don't achieve anything and completely insane people destroy everything. But those slightly crazy ones achieve crazy things.
Crazy climbs. Crazy descents. Crazy encounters. Crazy achievements. Crazy respect.
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