Day 2: Colle Fauniera (2480m) followed by a long diversion

After breakfast at the hotel, we nipped round the corner to the village bakery (with cute wooden steam train planter outside) and persuaded the kind shop assistant to make us monster cheese and tomato sandwiches with their baked-on-the-premises focaccia.

Our day's ride started with a 10km slog down the valley main road (lots of lorries coming from France via the Colle della Maddalena - definitely one for cyclists to avoid!) to Demonte, start point of the first of our two planned pass crossings for the day. Another brief shopping stop, then we were off up the 2480m Colle Fauniera - which also goes by the rather sinister name of Colle dei Morti - but as nobody was planning to die today, I'll stick to the other! (You'll know when I'm ready to die because I'll take up wingsuit flying - that day is still some way off, however!)
The first part of the climb ratcheted up the height by alternating steeper sections, at first climbing through fragrant freshly-mown hay meadows and later through shady woodland, with flatter sections through tiny villages with rose-fringed farmsteads and picture-book-pretty churches.

After leaving behind the last village, the road - narrower now but still mostly well-surfaced - at first followed straight along the river valley, before climbing via several flights of hairpin bends up to high-altitude pasture with sheep and cows grazing and a few isolated farms offering home-made cheeses. Higher still, and we were once again into the preserve of the marmots, whistling on the rocky mountainsides and occasionally scurrying into view near the track.

After a false summit, where a side track branched off onto an exciting-looking gravel track linking across to another col (project for a future tour?), the ascent finished with a dramatic traverse across a rocky slope and arriving at the real summit through a narrow gate between tall cliffs.

The summit has a statue commemorating cycling legend Marco Pantani.

I stopped for refreshment and photos, but not for long, as I had been very slow on the long ascent and I imagined John would be fretting at our planned rendezvous in the next valley. I'd been unable to get any mobile phone signal on the mountain at all, so couldn't send him a progress report.

I wanted to descend as quickly as possible to catch him up, but that was easier said than done: in contrast to yesterday's near-Swiss-quality surface descending the Col de la Lombarde, this road was decidedly "Italianate"! Broken, patched, repatched, subsided, potholed, full of loose gravel patches, fallen rocks, and even partially blocked by snow in a couple of places. Descending required nerves of steel, and great brakes!

I reached a fork in the road, and suddenly there was John, sitting patiently at the roadside waiting. Our intended route, to the left, had a very unequivocal road closure sign. The right fork descended into a completely different valley to where we wanted to be to connect to our planned second col of the day, the Col de Sampeyre.  We discussed the options, while eating our (delicious) focaccia sandwiches.

In the end, the "options" boiled down to just one: continue down into the "wrong valley", cut across into the right one, postpone the 2nd col until tomorrow as we would have run out of time. I felt sorry for John doing that rough descent on his 25mm road rubber, but he was still faster than me, and we both agreed that it was spectacular and that we were glad that the diversion had forced us to go that way!  If I'd stopped to take all the photos I wanted, I'd probably still be there.

The return at valley level, to regain our route at Stroppo, was a blistering slog in the hottest part of the afternoon. We never intended to get this far down from the mountains!

Stroppo itself was lovely, though: a quaint slate-roofed village half embedded in a deep gorge, with a great pizzeria and a comfortable, bike-friendly hotel. Guess which window is ours?

Avg Pace: 
Moving time: 
Activity id: 
Strava title: 
Day 2: Colle Fauniera (2480m) followed by a long diversion
Total photo count: 
Day 2: Colle Fauniera (2480m) followed by a long diversion
Summary Polyline: 
Average speed: 
Cover image:[cmBkAcpAwJ{k@TszAeUwlAmGq~A~Ag`AnSspAfGsnA{Mqh@jCbT_VrIiAbVcX`LnEp`@s_A|rCzCvc@kMrSgDlgA_Nl]cTjiBsc@z|@Od{@gJnh@kmAztC_Khx@cOxPjJ{b@}`At{@kTnhAgDxrAhFmDbF|WeQfPy@v^wE^nI~B{Fjm@cL~OaMs`@kLko@xGyE_Dki@cWdJw`@eZ{JdEsDoUbVh@uJkGfBwc@yK{GjGcNoJxAjCgWjWik@|PuF}B}S}KjMcPsRCa[oNoYoWoJjKqb@zDpBmFyTpEmWrWe[t@ymAyLiVcl@k_@{X_p@aHp@e@mZ~D`CsHas@mU}QxGuG?a_@eFsEvRqIBeP}MwMbLw[`@coAkEoh@e\_d@oN{k@to@qeBrRyhAfEsjAca@{vEtEi{BmD_vAkCfa@acAx\_^{TmJ\uAha@hAoG_OgLuCxMePoHeOf`@jDfTcKhVxFbRm|@iIiq@gZq^hDwBeJ}WhWnB|fCoNd~AbE|k@}J~LaDxt@eg@hx@{D|fAuu@lvB}Hfk@`C`YgKbZvIlG{@nb@e`@vd@dXzuAsYnxAdArk@}LjIHb]{[rj@hMxdAgPhFbJlo@{D`r@wO`l@zFlz@wH\nHdRqNvJjH`RiEtm@

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