iRide.2019.09.05 making the effort🌙

This article first appeared on the Thing of Purpose blog

I ventured up to the gates of the Hurricane Airport (check the website to see some small, but delightful, photos of the area taken from the air), which is located on the General Dick Stout Field where it was before the light was really suitable for taking photographs. Mostly that side excursion from my usual route was because I was feeling not quite up to snuff. I was demotivated and considering heading back home. I recalled a cyclist I had seen on YouTube. He argued that motivation was too fickle to be relied upon by anyone seeking to make progress with their cycling. He advocated discipline.

The thought was new to me, although it turns out it is widespread. That’s not to disrespect the video contributor. I lead a life away from social media, which explains a lot. The Vegan Cyclist is at that previous YouTube link, on Facebook, and on Instagram, and Zwift. You may follow him on Strava as Tyler Pearce (login required). I will add that discipline may also comes from the cultivation of mindful, positive habits.

Discipline most often comes from enjoying what you do according to an interestingly discursive article on the Art of Manliness website. I do hope that choice of website name was ironic: I see many dedicated women out training on bicycles. The first article I saw on the home page was about bow hunting. As someone who is unable to understand how wantonly (def: ‘in a deliberate and unprovoked manner’) killing animals could “help guys become better men”, I found that irrational and distasteful, but that doesn’t invalidate the linked discussion because of the company it keeps.

I took the advice of one of my founding co-directors of a company I helped start back in the old country: I gave myself a shake. We used to surreptitiously and affectionately call him ‘Shekkie”, mimicking his rural accent nurtured in upper Cumberland not far from the Scottish border. It is a sound that I deeply miss hearing in my voluntary exile. Oddly, I was enjoying my ride even though I felt like I had an alcohol hangover. That was not possible because I am unable to remember when I had my most recent drink and that’s caused by a time-factor not a quantity-factor.

I carried on with my ride. Thanks Shekkie! I completed the ride feeling no worse at the end than I had done at the start. I am taking a course of heavy-duty, industrial strength antibiotics, so I put my discomfort down to the medication. I hope that tomorrow I will be ‘up to snuff and a pinch above it’. I will find out before first light if I am ‘up to scratch’. Blame the patriarchy for all these manliness phrases; I am just a harmless old vegan dowfart trying to get by without negatively impacting anyone.

WEATHER report:• Start: 06:54, Clear, 69°F, Feels like 69°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 51%, 51°F, Wind 3mph from ↙, 7mph 
• End: 09:00, Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 42%, 51°F, Wind 5mph from ↙, 7mph 
• Activity Feel 73°F

Avg Pace: 
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Activity id: 
Strava title: 
iRide.2019.09.05 making the effort🌙
Total photo count: 
iRide.2019.09.05 making the effort🌙
Summary Polyline: 
• Start: 06:54, Clear, 69°F, Feels like 69°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 51%, 51°F, Wind 3mph from ↙, 7mph • End: 09:00, Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 42%, 51°F, Wind 5mph from ↙, 7mph •Activity Feel 73°F --- Start: 06:54, Clear, 69°F, Feels like 69°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 51%, 51°F, Wind 3mph from ↙, 7mph End: 09:00, Clear, 76°F, Feels like 76°F, Cloud: 0%, Humidity 42%, 51°F, Wind 5mph from ↙, 7mph Activity Feel 73°F
Average speed: 
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