Welcome to Crust Skiing

One of the trickiest things to explain to folks who haven't done a lot of skiing is the sheer variety of sorts of skiing that exist. As we work to make our outdoors culture more inclusive and equitable, let's find ways to share the joy with a wider audience.
This is an introduction to crust skiing.
Crust skiing, or crust skate skiing, is the method of traveling in the backcountry on skate skis and is only possible on snow that has a hard enough crust that the narrow skis will not sink in or punch through. When those conditions are right, the skiing becomes absolutely delightful.

Jan Holan skiing across McCleod Lake in Northern Paiute Territory
Most good crust skiing happens in the spring, when cold nights and warm days melt and freeze the top layer of snow. An early start is key, as the surface will often be too soft by midday. For this tour, we were on the trail by 6am, but it could have been earlier!
We started at the Tamarack Nordic center in Mammoth, but quickly left the groomed trails and headed up to what we hoped would be open skiing along the crest of the ridge.
Morgan Goodwin and John Stanec climb the gully with Mammoth Mountain in the background
Crust skiing requires expertise in both skate skiing, and also backcountry travel. These skis and poles are lightweight, and will not take a beating or a bad fall. Because you can travel long distances, a broken ski could mean a very long walk back post-holing into deep snow.  Shorter, sturdier skate skis exist and would be an excellent choice for beginners. Fischer even made skate skis with metal edges that some people enjoy. However, these aren't necessary if the conditions are good and we have found that typical skate skis are more fun.
While one would rarely find themselves in avalanche terrain, it is recommended that participants have a keen awareness of how mountain terrain creates various snow conditions.
Sometimes you wind up in places that, as an expert skier, you wouldn't think twice about descending on alpine ski gear, but with these little nordic boots and bindings, even moderate slopes become very challenging. Here, the author kicks steps down a small gully rather than risk loosing a ski.
.Crust skiing will work  your balance, your core muscles, and your ability to read the snow. Without heavy bindings to rely on, it's up to you to anticipate the terrain. Shadows mean faster snow. A slope curving around to the east or south will get softer fast. Drifts might be harder than the base snow on some days, or softer on other days.
Descending will probably not involve turns. Instead, find your sense of play. Butt-sliding is a perfectly acceptable descent technique, as is glissading or the occasional summersult. Because the skis are not designed for turning, a long downward traverse becomes the biggest thrill. We do not recommend using your pole straps while descending, because a pole punched straight down will be snapped off as you move onward. Instead, consider holding the pole 6" below the handle and using it as a drag, or extra surface area if you have to put your hand down.

Rollers kicked up help create the sense of a magical, playful wonderland
Crust skiing is a joy. Lightweight travel across wide open terrain in the crisp morning air will make devotees of all who come across this unique sport.
Thank you for reading, and please share your crust-skiing adventures!
.The author skis up the Sierra Crest with Banner and Ritter peaks in the background

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Crust Skiing
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Welcome to Crust Skiing
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Thinking of writing this up as a blog post. What would folks think of that? 🤠
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Daria Marinelli
Wed, 04/07/2021 - 06:53
You're my favoorite crust human.

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